December 9, 2009

Find Your Happy Place....

I think happiness is something you decide. You can either live your life miserable or except what it’s given you and make the best of it. We all have our ups and downs. You wouldn’t be human if this wasn’t the case. Misery, on the other hand, loves company. If you have ever been around someone that is always unhappy, it brings you down. You can try your best to change their perspective but I think it’s a decision they make. Some people like being that way. Chronic complainers are also a challenge. You know the type, nothing ever makes them happy. How do they get like that? My depression comes and goes and it generally coincides with a certain time of the month or a particular time of the year. The holidays, especially Christmas, can be hard for me. I lost someone very important in December and it just hasn’t been the same since.

Life is tough. We have things we regret but learn to make the best of it and move on. If your life is always filled with “what if’s”, who is busy living your “now” moments? Trying to make everyone happy all the time can be exhausting. Have you ever heard of negative energy? It’s a vibe a person puts out and it radiates through a room in no time. If you think you have a problem with this, try looking at life a little different. Have you ever thought about what you have instead of what you don’t have? When was the last time you gave thanks for your blessings? Everybody has them. Are you employed? Do you have a roof over your head? Is your fridge stocked? Are there people that love you? Don’t focus on the negative but rather, make the best of what you have. We only have one chance here on earth. Why not make the best of it? What could you possibly have to lose? Try smiling next time you feel bad. Its surprising how much better it can make you feel.


1 comment:

wenn said... while u can..