13 excuses kids give for getting out of things.
1. I forgot.
2. I didnt know you wanted me to do it now.
3. I thought my brother was gonna do it.
4. I will do it tomorrow, I prrrrrrrrrromise.
5. I dont want to get my new shoes dirty.
6. Just let me get to the next level on my computer game.
7. I took a shower yesterday.
8. He hit me first.
9. Everyone else gets to do it, why cant I?
10. It was an accident.
11. My brother made me do it!
12. The lawn is too wet to mow.
13. It was like that when I got here.
Well, my son cannot blame it on his brothers, but he tried blaming something on his cousins the other day. I totally caught him in a lie!
Brendan uses the "forgot" and "I did not hear you" one. Yep, so much fun! :)
love the thought of these in my future! :) So, do they actually "get out of things," with these excuses, or just use them with their Mama? :)
Fun list.
With the exceptions of # 7, 8, and 11, these excuses sound a lot like some I use OFTEN! Happy TT.
I forgot...That drives me crazy. You forgot the failsafe..."I dunno". I hate that one to!
HEHEHE. Those were great! Happy TT!
Well, you DID notice didn't you that I said I wanted to slap Britney Spears silly?
Ah, kids and the really inventive excuses they come up with!
Happy TT-13!
Ha! Those all sound so familiar!
Another one: "Oh...." [Faraway look that suggests fever...]
Very familiar! In fact, I used to use those excuses too when I was a child. (And so did you, I bet!)
My son's favorite is: "huh?"
Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
Ooh, my kids could add a few to this list... and they're young, yet! What am I in for???
Happy TT, doll!
How funny! Do they work? I love the "my brother made me do it". I of course only had sisters!
Happy TT!
My TT is about my rules of living.
"I took a shower yesterday." My dad would have LOVED to hear me say that one. One of his pet peeves was that I always somehow managed to use up all the hot water. "I forgot" -- it's classic, like pearls and a simple black dress. It will never go out of style! (Thanks for visiting my TT)
Those excuses are all familiar to my ears.
Unfortunately, I've heard them all.... today!
Why dump a good thing, I would say they worked for me but the cat ate my list!
The Pink Flamingo
Boy, do those sound familiar.
Hhaahhaa...in a way, they're funny...
...as long as they didn't do it whenever we (Moms) are having PMS.
LOL! I've heard all of them! :)
LOL I tried using some of those as a kid & it never worked my mom wasn't even trying to hear it Happy TT
Yes, I think you covered most of the classics!
Mine: T13 #11 | Pictures from the Earth--"Closed for Winter"
i lost it somewhere in my desk/room...
i didn't know that you meant it!
i looked everywhere, i don't know what i did with it!
oh, i could go on and on...i have 5 kids...there are a ton of excuses!!
OMG I still use some of those excuses when we get together over the holiday!!!
Great List
Hehehe...I still use some of those excuses and I'm a mom!
My kids use a number of those, but the sad part is that my husband does too! His fave: I forgot. Makes me crazy!
Looks like if it is the same in the whole world, lol !
Yes kids are funny aren't they:> I love it when the funny papers s--Family Circus talk about "nobody " did it:)
Boy, do some of these sound familiar! I don't know how many times I've heard #6. *rolling my eyes*
(oops.. my mr linky link posted the wrong link... doggone fat fingers :)
I love these... My favorite from my kids...
"willy wonka did it" as if willy wonka were real and in my house... (He's already been grounded, sent home, and kicked out of the car on numerous occassions)
Hehee...I used some of these too..
my kids I think have used all of these, many several times a day. When will they learn mom's not an idiot?
Happy TT
As a mamma and an elementary school teacher I hear this list hourly.
Oi! I'm way too familiar with some of these!! #6 and it's variation "Let me just save my game." (which then takes another hour!) are the top in my house! Grrrr.....
*chuckle* kids sure do always think they can get out of things LOL.....I've been around kids who tell me those excuses. And it funny when I caught them in white lies, even when I try to keep a straight face about it LOL
Happy TTs and hope you have a good/weekend ahead :)
* chuckle *
Life is a learning experience. :)
I have three TTs this week.
Raven's Rides: 13 places I went on my motorcycle yesterday
Raven's RV: 13 things we did in the RV when the power went out
Raven's Range: 13 thoughts about Thursday Thirteen
The link above has links to all three. :)
Oh yes, mine used them, and so did I.
I'll do it next commercial.
Its not my turn...its hers...its his.
I can't. I have homework.
:D These were good...and barring a few I have also used some more...One of them is -
"I want to dry clean....my skin is sensitive....you dry all the expensive and speacial clothes for dry cleaning why not me then???"
Happy TT!
I have used quite a few of these in the past. Since I hated cutting the grass, #12 was a favorite of mine. Thanks for visiting my TT.
Oh man. Too true. And so very annoying. Aren't you glad you're past that?
here's bloghoppin' single mom
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