13 things to teach your teen
1. You can’t always be first.
2. You can’t always win.
3. Not everything in life will be easy.
4. How to deal with bullies, mean people and rude people.
5. How to cope with the end of a relationship or break up.
6. How to resolve a dispute with a teacher, boss or other superior.
7. We all make mistakes and can learn from them.
8. How to ask for help.
9. Signs that a friend or loved one may be suffering (from an addiction to depression).
10. How to make decisions by weighing pros and cons.
11. Not all gratification can be instant - some things are worth the wait.
12. Everyone has something to contribute to society - it just might take a little exploration.
13. How to be a good friend.
It sounds like you have your act together. Now, if you could only make them listen!
The Pink Flamingo
Great list! I'm going to remember these for future reference! Our only child is only 3 :-)
If you taught your boys all those things, then they must be really great "kids."
How do you deal with bullies, mean and rude people?
Happy tt!
What a good parent you are. I'm very impressed. Now if we could get all parents to teach their children these things. Have a great TT. :)
That is a great comprehensive list! Maybe you should teach a workshop...
Very good list.
Great list. I've been through the teen years with my boys, now its my girls turn, yikes! Sound advice. Happy T13!
Very Wise list.I am a grandma now but I could have used this 20 years ago! Have a great TT!
No. 13 seems to be the sum of 1 through 12!
Great list! I wish someone would've taught me all of these things! You put together some wonderful things! Happy TT!
Rupert isn't going to play...only the first ten on the list. The last three were players I WANT to see play!
Excellent list! Having raised 2 children and now a grandmother of a teenager, I would add:
14. These are definitely not the best years of your life.
15. Who your best friends are today are probably not going to be in your life at all in 10 years. If you are lucky, you will maintain a lifelong friendship with one.
I would love to have you stop by to check out 13 Phrases & their Origins. Also you may want to submit a recipe to win a programable slow cooker (shipping included in continental U.S.) for the contest I am offering for National Soup Month. Happy TT! Blessings, Cricket
Lori -- you always have such great ideas and posts. This is excellent and so very true! Great list!
Happy TT!
You have some wonderful sentiments here. I wish I had a teen to share these with...maybe I'll borrow one. Thanks for sharing these pearls of wisdom and Happy TT.
Are you kidding? I'm teaching a lot of this to my kids NOW and they are nowhere near ready to be teens. Or tweens, for that matter!
Happy TT, babe.
Great advice!
Great list!
That is totally my graphic! I love that you used it!
You, my dear, are a grrrrrrr8 parent!
Wow. We're in a parenting class right now -- and it's amazing how much of our success is built on communication.
Thanks I don't have a teen anymore.
I know some adults who could benefit from this list.
Happy TT!
I think your kids must be very lucky to have you for a mom.
Very good list! Happy T-13!
It's a wonderful list and I am going to keep it, because I have a tween. Who may be cooked and eaten before he makes it to being an actual teen. Little stinker.
Things everyone needs to know. Great list.
Wonderful list! A lot of folks think their work is done when their kids become teenagers, but in many respects … teens need their parents more than when they were little. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
It rolls into #13, but currently, the biggest thing I'm trying to teach my teens is the give-and-take of conversation. They're both far too prone to monologues. *sigh* I console myself with the fact that hey, I have teenage boys, and they talk. :)
Hard stuff to do. Teens can be so difficult that most parents just give up. It's such a hard time and your kids need you so much. Good for you for making the effort!
Happy TT.
Good things for all of us to know!
my 13
Excellent list. Teaching a teen how to live in the world is just about the best gift you can give.
Happy TT!
insightful as usual
It seems so easy when you list it like that... 8-) Happy TT :-)
I know a lot of adults (including myself!) who should get a refresher course in these! I particularly have a hard time asking for help.
What a great list. I would add something about asking yourself if "it" (whatever "it" may be) is really really going to matter to you in 5 or 10 years.
True enough...plus "this too shall pass".
Happy Thursday, Lori!
This is a useful list. I need to go and review my skills in these areas now.
Happy TT!
You're so right...these are lessons our young people need to learn! Teens who have parents who care enough to teach them these lessons are truly blessed.
If only our kids will listen to their parents, then maybe, mistakes and regrets can be avoided. But its just not the case in LIFE.
How about
Life is short and
you have to pay for what you eat
Great list...
Happy TT
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