1. Pass My Shotgun
2. Psychotic Mood Swing
3. Perpetual Munching Spree
4. Puffy Mid Section
5. People Make me Sick
6. Pass Me Sweets
7. Pardon My Sobbing
8. Pimples May Surface
9. Pass My Sweats
10. Pissy Mood Syndrome
11. Pack My Stuff
12. Potential Murder Suspect
13. Pre Menstrual Syndrome...duh!!
Lol! cool one... mine's up too.
I'd best stay away from you then!
Oh so true! I'm so pleased to be beyond this as long as I take my little white pill every morning...
Oh yes... well said. No one knows exactly what it's like.
Pack My Stuff. The best one on the list! Grrrrr8 post LMAO!
Perfect! I love it!
Menopause - 24/7 PMS
Trust me, it has its good points, including license to be a B*T&H!
The Pink Flamingo
I keep trying to post here but blogger is having a spasm so... Here goes another try! ;)
I always say that I never have PMS but if this is the criteria? I have it all the time! lol!
Happy TT!
Heh heh heh...thanks for the laugh.
Happy TT.
Well done, Lori! This list was my life story until good ol' Novasure. Now I can gladly say I remember.... Thanks for bring some fun into the day!
These are all so true. So very, very true. Bwahahahahahaha. Have a great TT. :)
OMG, I was playing with the idea of having it stand for something else (that won't go on the blog; sorry!). The timing here is just too funny!
That's all.
Wasn't this a clever list...and so true!
Hahaha ! I have to copy that !!
Ha! Good stuff! I think I'm #5 all the time, rofl!!
Love it....This was absolutely hilarious...I laughed till i peed...oh....wait. maybe i shouldn't have shared that last part....
I thought PMS stood for Premarital s*x. lol! :-)
These are all true, in all accounts!
Too funny!
I posted my first Thursday Thirteen post here.
Boy, do some of those sound familiar!
Funny....but true!
Oh.My.God. These were so true!
All of the above!! Happy T-13! Oh, and love the young gentleman in uniform! Tell him thank you from a Navy wife!
That is flippin' hilarious!!!! Love it, glad I don't have PMS anymore but all fit!
Perpetual Munching Spree - We love this one!
LOL I love # 12.
LOL. Too funny.
Very clever, but I thought PMS was just a figment of the imagination?
OK Peter....you are definitely a man with that kind of answer. Maybe you should do some research and educate yourself...PMS is very real. It deals with hormones levels in a womans body and that effects that way she feels and acts. Only someone thats been there can understand. Men, well, they just need to learn to cope and adjust to their womans moods. Its not our fault:)
hilarious and so true!
I never get PMS, tho my husband tells me when I have it, then I usually try to stab him :D
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