13 Do's and Dont's in a relationship.
1. DO always make your partner feel loved and appreciated.
2. DON'T put them down or make them feel bad about themselves.
3. DO anything extra to make their life easier when you can.
4. DON'T have a wondering eye. Be happy with what you have, the grass is NEVER greener. Its a respect thing.
5. DO find time to have sex on a regular basis. Its amazing how close that can bring you.
6. DON'T expect things. Be grateful for what they do for you.
7. DO not only hear what they say but actually listen.
8. DON'T lie or keep secrets. If you know what you are doing is wrong, you shouldn't be doing it.
9. DO always tell them you love them before you leave or end a call. They should always know how you feel.
10. DON'T make decisions about your future when you are angry. If you wait, chances are you will change your mind.
11. DO leave them love notes when they least expect it. What a wonderful surprise.
12. DON'T forget to laugh. Its amazing how much happier it will make you both.
13. DO your best to make it work. Even when there are doubts, make a commitment and stick to it.
You always give such great advice!
Lori My Dear...Hear is my test site for you...
I hope it was worth the wait...let me know:)
DO smile and say "Sure, honey!" when he wants to go play poker on the only night all week you're home.
13 can be the toughest one of all!
Good list. Your partner is lucky!
I'm glad I got to see yoru TT. Your earlier entry on the TT list seemed to ave been hijacked by some loony website.
Great list.
Some of them I do, some I don't.
I agree with your list 100%
#12 is the most important one in all relationship, and some people seems to have forget it!
Hi Lori,
I agree completely with your list -- but I know from personal experience that if BOTH partners don't follow those simple rules, your relationship is sure to crash and burn.
Wonderful list and great TT!
This answers is for Susan Goofried....AWWWWWW, HELL NO!! LOL
Hey Lori, glad you like it...I am confused about what you mean "the rest pink"? Do you mean the area below the header?
My sweet Lori. You are an angel. I wish I knew about you...I love the pictures in your sidebar. Very nice...I see Nap pimped you out too. Can't w82c your new look :)
Happy TT!
....I wish I knew "more about you"!...
Very good list my friend, great advice.
Happy TT! :)
One of the L words I was going to use this week was "my love language is acts of service"....if you have never read "Five Love Languages" it is well worth it!
Great advice! #8 is a biggie.
Happy TT!
Easy to say, harder to do! But something to work on...excellent advice.
13 Hearts
Loved this post!
Happy TT
Excellent advice! The first two are so important--it's easy to forget that in day-to-day frustrations and arguments, but just a small effort in that direction has big dividends (voice of experience here! *g*).
#5 is really true, too. There was a period of time, when our 3rd child was small, when it just seemed like too much trouble. But I noticed that the longer we went without, the more we sniped at each other. It wasn't conscious, but the lack of physical closeness took its toll.
It goes along with #1, 2, & 4, but I'd add "DO accept them as they are and don't try to change them."
This tips have worked in my marriage for sure. It's a great list of reminders for me. Thanks Lori!
Another excellent list. Perhaps you should be writing an ‘advice’ column? I love #12! Laughter is sooooo essential to health and well-being!
Hugs and blessings,
A recipe for a successful relationship if ever I read one.
What a touching and wise TT! Especially #6. I always stumble with that one! Maybe next time ... (Thanks for visiting my TT)
Couldn't add a thing, these were all wonderful!
I'm a very big believer in the "I love You" farewell and the unexpected notes because you never know the last time you're saying goodbye and knowing that's what you said last can carry one through a devastating loss. I know.
Happy TT
great advice! I could have used it this week... hehe
Hey Lori, I updated it...go check it out
Hello from Canada - this is my first T-13 attempt, I don't know if I have mastered all the technicalities or not. Please let me know if I have screwed up in any way so I can learn.
Lori - perhaps if I'd had your list years ago I wouldn't be a single parent. However, perhaps there will be a next time. My list pertains to tax time, ewwww!
Laughter is definitely a plus in any relationship.
You always have such great advice for TT!
Very good advice. Thanks!
You always are good at this! :)
Once again great TT. All of those are wonderful suggestions which actually work! Marriage would not be in the trouble it is if people just followed these simples guidelines!
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