March 27, 2008

TT #55

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13 things I cant live without

1. My family and the ones I love.

2. Eggs...I love them fried, poached, or scrambled with a twist.

3. Music...I love my IPOD (Thank You DBF Michael) and listening to the radio.

4. Sex (hmmmm, this should probably be #2, its definitely better than eggs).

5. Survivor, Lost, or Biggest Loser. I know thats 3 but they are all on TV.

6. Air Conditioning in my house and in my car. The Summers here are HOT!

7. Mexican Food.

8. Lotion...I use it 100 times a day. Coconut Lime is my favorite.

9. My cell phone. I dont leave home without it.

10. A mirror to look at myself before I go out in public (I'd never last on Survivor).

11. Family photos of all my memories.

12. Going to the movies...I love them!!

13. Hot coffee in the morning and over ice in the afternoon (Starbucks).


Anonymous said...

Great List! I agree with almost all of them! I can probably do without eggs, tv shows, and going to the movies. I can't do without my dog, my computer, and Desperate Housewives! Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Happy TT!

Melli said...

Oh this saddens me! If you can't LIVE without #5, does that mean... oh... I don't want to think about when these shows finally get cancelled!

I'm WITH ya all the way on #13 though!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I liked your list---and your site. Great idea to link single parents and to provide good info. I'm not one, but my hat is off to you. Good job.

SandyCarlson said...

Your list could be mine, though I could take or leave No. 4 at this stage (boo-hoo). I'm trying No. 13 tomorrow after work.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Sex is definitely better than eggs. Particularly when the AC is blowing just right to cool you off afterward...

Unknown said...

I treasure my family photos as well. Happy T13!

pjazzypar said...

The list is perfect. I agree with each and every one of the things you listed. Happy TT.

Karen said...

Hi Lori,
Great list!! I would have to squeeze in my laptop. I just got it about 6 months ago and I don't think I could function without it!!
Take care -- !

Anonymous said...

I love eggs too, though I have had to cut down in recent years (cholesterol issues).

tommie said...

the eggs made me laugh....scambled eggs always give me hiccups!

I metioned my cell phone on my TT this week as well!

Happy TTing

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I am w/you all but 5 and 13

escape said...

I particularly like number 10> A mirror to look at myself before I go out in public. Definitely you can't be a contender in Survivor. LOL.

Di said...

Eggs...yummy. My friend has chickens and gives me fresh eggs. They are far and away better than store-bought. The texture and taste of a hard-boiled fresh egg is wonderful. Had some on my spinach salad last night.

Di said...

Eggs...yummy. My friend has chickens and gives me fresh eggs. They are far and away better than store-bought. The texture and taste of a hard-boiled fresh egg is wonderful. Had some on my spinach salad last night.

Robin said...

I accidentally left my cellphone home yesterday and spent the next hour feeling like I was missing an arm!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I love Mexican food too!

Darla said...

No need for a/c here in Germany, where we get MAYBE a week with temps hitting 80 in the middle of summer. Back in San Antonio, it's another story.

Mexican food I can live without until we get back to TX, too--it's just not the same here, and I haven't found a usable cookbook to make my own yet.

I love movies, too, even if we tend to get them really late here when we get them at all.

I'm awfully whiny today--must be lack of #4, since my husband's in Italy all week, the bum. :-/

Anonymous said...

A wonderful life, you live.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the family photo's. You could never take enough pictures.
I missed Biggest Loser this week, I have to find out who left.
Thanks, Maribeth

Emmyrose said...

Great list my friend, I also can't live without #1,6,8,9,10,12,13 goodness almost everything :)

Ingrid said...

I agree ! that's a very nice list !

storyteller said...

I used the same T-13 ‘header’ today as you … ‘great minds’ and all ;--)
I love ‘gratitude’ posts … and yours contains things most of us can identify with. Numbers 5, 6, and 12 wouldn’t make my list however because I don’t watch much TV and when I do, it’s never a ‘reality’ show … living a block & a half from the ocean, I ‘natural’ air-conditioning called ‘opening the window’ … and I can’t remember the last ‘movie’ I saw at a theater (or for that matter, on TV). Coffee would be much higher than 13th on my list ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Open Grove Claudia said...

Well gosh, I think sex is better than eggs. Maybe I'm just not grateful enough?? ;)

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

This could actually be my EXACT list. Well except for eggs, I would substitute potatoes....I can eat them fried, baked, mashed, anyway!

Happy TT

Cynthia said...

Mexican food and!

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

A morning without hot coffee isn't. Period. Goodly list!

Jenny said...

Great list, I agree with them all.

I am a big fan of the biggest loser and lost as well!

Happy TT!

Addicted to crafting said...

Happy T13! I'm with you on many of these. ;)

Melanie said...

I could do without TV, but I agree with everything else!

verabear said...

TV shows I also can't leave without. :) my phone is also a constant companion. and sex... well... :)

Tink said...

Most of those would be on my list too! I love the TT header btw.
Thanks for visiting my grandmothers TT!

The Gal Herself said...

Love this list. Scrolled down it going "yes, uh-huh, yes …" (Except for sex. It's been so long I unfortunately KNOW I can live without it.) Mind if I steal your idea one of these Thursdays?

Malcolm said...

I am with you on nearly all of these. Esp. 1, 3, 4, and 8.