When you put yourself out there and fall in love, there are never any guarantee's. You also cant choose the person you love. Its just something that happens. If the relationship ended, try to look at it from the outside in. See if there was a lesson to be learned and remember the good times. I believe that everything happens for reason. People come in and out of our life every day. Don't let another person dictate your existence. Remember who you were before they were there. I know that's not always easy. Its kind of like trying to stop a cut from bleeding with a bandaid. It doesn't stop the blood, it works more as a support to help the wound heal. Look for your own support system. I'm not saying something to numb the pain but let yourself hurt and mourn the loss. Then move on. You must not let the pain control your life or happiness. We are all special in our own way. Trust me, there will be someone else and you will love again. Get through the holidays the best that you can and enjoy spending time with your family. After all, they were the ones that loved you first. Remember that.

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