13 of the MOST COMMON New Years resolutions
1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Tame the Bulge
4. Quit Smoking
5. Enjoy Life More
6. Quit Drinking
7. Get Out of Debt
8. Learn Something New
9. Help Others
10. Get Organized
11. Find My Soul Mate
12. Find a Better Job
13. Go back to school
Let me add, these are not my resolutions. I dont believe in setting myself up for failure but this list is what most people strive for.There is something about self deprivation that turns my inner rebel into a seething monster. If you tell me I cant, Im gonna do it anyway just because...
I don't make official resolutions, but I do make good intentions. Most of those are on my "I hope to" list LOL.
Happy new year.
I don't do resolutions either, but I wish you luck. Happy New Years and Happy TT.
Those are the popular ones for sure. It's amazing how many weight related commercials and work out commercials on tv this week! Happy 2008 to you...
I wonder which is the first one to be broken. #4 perhaps?
This is a great list, Lori. I'm working on No. 7, too. If I take food out of the budget, I could be working on No. 2 at the same time!
my girl,
I wish you luck in everything you will do in 2008. :) You can do whatever!!!
Love, peace and joy!!!
I am not doing any of these. Well, I may do some but I am not committing to any of them. Well, I may commit to some of them but definately not all of them. Well, I might...oh never mind I am going to stick with being more decisive this year!
Many of these are certainly on my personal list! Happy New Year and TT!
These all look doable....better than my list of resolutions that I will never make.
So what do you think you would go back to school for? There are so many options out there now between online courses and community colleges. Even though I don't teach anymore, no regrets here from going back to school.
Hope you have a very happy New Year!
Wow, quite a list. I just concentrate on one thing for the year. This year is "make good choices".
I'll bet that if someone was to make a list of New Year's resolutions that people fail to accomplish, it would be nearly identical to your TT. BTW, I like your theory as to why you don't make New Year's resolutions.
I think I've made all those resolutions one year or another! I like that resolution that you won't make any more resolutions! Still, a new year, a new start!!
Happy TT!
#2, #7 and #10 are all on my list of things to do this year. Let's see how I do! (Thanks for visiting my TT)
that's really a lot to accomplish in one year. i prefer to set easier goals like get the mail more than once a week or do laundry before i run out of socks, etc.
happy TT
I'm with you, Lori. Later for making resolutions I know I'm not going to keep. I'd much rather spend my time eating chocolate (LOL).
Happy New Year -- these are noble goals.
Okay well 1, 3, 5 and 8 are on my blog of resolution to keep this year damn it! Wish me luck!
Don't make new year's resolutions anymore as I never followed them anyway.
By the way, I have been trying to get in touch with you but your email link seem not to work. If you don't mind can you email your address so I can email you who I am and I'm sure you know me.
They all sound so familiar! :( Each and every year too!
I don't do resolutions either because I can never keep them. But hey, go for it. LOL!
Happy TT!
My Thursday Thirteen #6
My resolution is to enjoy my life more and to change myself to meet the expectations of others LESS. Vanity seems to be a bad reason to make a resolution....but some of these I could get behind. People who are in debt definitely DO need to get out of it, as I learned (thankfully) in my younger days...
13 Unresolved Issues from 2007
Good luck on everything for this year! And I hope you will find your soul mate sooner:) You will, you'll see;)
Thanks for sharing:)
My Thursday 13 is up as well! Happy New Year!
Hmmm ... and to think, all I'd like to do is simplify my life. I hope 2008 brings peace, wonder, and joy!
Hugs and blessings,
I used to be that way don't dare tell me what to do bit now a days i kinda like it if I don't have to make all the decisions.
I don't do resolutions, but I do engage in positive thinking!
Thanks for visiting!
I know what you mean about wanting to rebel...kind of like when I'd give up ice cream for lent as a kid... Great TT!
I'm with you! I'm lucky to make one and stick to it - LOL.
I don't make resolutions, I make plans. And so far in the three years of making plans I've had a 90% success rate, so it's working.
Most of the things that don't get done involve money I don't have. But I place them on the list so that if cheaper/free ways come up I know where my focus is and can hone in on them.
Good luck to any of these on your personal list and those of others.
P.S. You've given me an idea for next week. I can do the most common resolutions, which have been on my own list in the past, and which I've accomplished to one degree or another.
I'm really not one to resolve...smile...
LOL, Lori! That's so me--There is something about self deprivation that turns my inner rebel into a seething monster. If you tell me I cant, Im gonna do it anyway just because...
So instead of making New Year's resolutions, I view each morning, particularly Monday mornings, as a chance to make improvements. It seems to work better for me. :)
Happy 2008!
I think I had a few of those on my list! :)
I have some goals set for this year, but not resolutions as such. A bit more flexibility is helpful. :)
That's what my TT is about.
I only make attainable resolutions! :-) Thanks for visiting my TT. Sorry I'm late in returning the favour!
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