13 ways to improve your attitude
1. Force a smile no matter how much you don’t want to. It really does make you feel better.
2. Go for a walk. This always helps to clear the mind.
3. Count your blessings. When you find things to be thankful for, you remember how lucky you really are.
4. Picture a soothing scene. For instance, sitting on a beach watching the waves.
5. Sniff a scent. Scents have an amazing impact on your mood.
6. Put on a great song. Not a sad depressing song, a happy (makes you want to dance) song.
7. Get a massage. That can make anyone feel wonderful.
8. See molehills, not mountains. I really need to practive what I preech on this one.
9. Think of your children or your pet. Sometimes diverting your thoughts momentarily to those who love you can instantly make you happy.
10. Play with a animal. It raises levels of serotonin in your brain, which is a mood elevators.
11. Find the humor. There is always a good opportunity for a laugh in most situations.
12. Put a stop sign in your brain. When you catch yourself in the midst of negative thinking, shout, "Stop!" to yourself.
13. Buy yourself flowers. If you’d buy them for someone else, why not for yourself?
2. Go for a walk. This always helps to clear the mind.
3. Count your blessings. When you find things to be thankful for, you remember how lucky you really are.
4. Picture a soothing scene. For instance, sitting on a beach watching the waves.
5. Sniff a scent. Scents have an amazing impact on your mood.
6. Put on a great song. Not a sad depressing song, a happy (makes you want to dance) song.
7. Get a massage. That can make anyone feel wonderful.
8. See molehills, not mountains. I really need to practive what I preech on this one.
9. Think of your children or your pet. Sometimes diverting your thoughts momentarily to those who love you can instantly make you happy.
10. Play with a animal. It raises levels of serotonin in your brain, which is a mood elevators.
11. Find the humor. There is always a good opportunity for a laugh in most situations.
12. Put a stop sign in your brain. When you catch yourself in the midst of negative thinking, shout, "Stop!" to yourself.
13. Buy yourself flowers. If you’d buy them for someone else, why not for yourself?
I agree, especially on the humor suggestion. And since you suggested it, I'm so buying myself some flowers. :)
I think a massage would do me good too!
SusieJ, ADHD Remedies
I could go for all except the scent. That would be a bad thing for me unless it was chocolate. That might be good...
Happy TT!
Follow all these steps and I guess you'll have the best attitude. Thanks for sharing.
Listening to music or reading something exciting always helps. And a massage too, if I can get one. I can't actually see myself doing #13 though!
I had a lousy day and I've been trying to practice as many of these as I can.
It's not going well, sad to say.
I'm trying to get my son to count to 10 every time he gets upset to help calm him down. I know it helps for me. Great list.
A good walk always clears my head!
All great suggestions.
These are great and are all so true! I always try to help someone else when I'm in "one of those moods" or listen to music. That usually perks me right up!! Of course, when all else fails, there's only one remedy: chocolate!
Happy TT!
Great suggestions. I use most of them regularly. I think we can control our moods - but it does take work - thanks for the suggestions! Have you ever used the smell Melissa? That works well too - we grow the plant so you can do the oil or a tea.
Happy TT
I have a better idea, go shopping!
The Pink Flamingo
Excellent Suggestions :) - thanks!
I have not tried #13 yet..I may have to try!
I could do a few of those right now...I'm not in the best of moods this week.
I think I need to post this list where I can read it every day!
I agree with all except for scents. For me, it depends on what scent I'll take a sniff of because I associate certain scents with good or bad memories.
Great list, Lori. Sometimes when I visualize my daughter, I visualize her watching me have a fit. That's humiliating enough a thought to bring me back to earth.
1, 6, and 12 work for me every time.
Great list. :)
Happy TT
Great list! And, I agree with every single one of 'em! (well...'cept #7 as I don't like people rubbin' on me, but I'm weird like that!)
Thanks for the "reminder"..think I need to improve my attitude..*sigh*..been in bad mood recently..& its affecting my attitude..
What a good list, especially in January when the mid-winter blues seem to hit. I find even though it's cold out, going for a walk makes me feel so much better and music is always uplifting(no sad songs allowed).
Mine is up, a word definition quiz.
So true! Thanks for the reminders!
These are all great suggestions! So often it just takes redirecting to lose a bad mood, but first I've got to realize it's just a mood, and then I've got to want to cheer up. :)
Yes, counting your blessings and helping someone else are the 2 absolute best ways to improve a bad mood! Great post!
Happy TT :-)
All very good things to do. Sometimes we forget we have power over our own moods and what we choce to do or not do about them.
#5 always makes me feel better. :)
Excellent post! I'm all about having an attitude of gratitude and being positive.
I would love to go get a massage right now ....hmmm....
Happy TT-13!
I am going to print your list off and stick it up somewhere were I can see it everyday...A great, feel-good list. You are right, we can often do so much to cheer ourselves up or change our mood.
Thanks for the TT!
My favorite is also breathing deeply. That relieves a lot of stress as well.
What a great attitude.
What a great TT! #2 is great for me. I love checking out the color of the sky and the shape of the clouds. #6 is great, too. Once it took "September" by Earth Wind & Fire to make me smile after (literally) a solid day of crying. #7, check. #10, check. #11, check. #13, check. (Those carnations on my desk are the best $8 I could spend.)
#6 always works for me :)
I have mine up if you would like to stop by.
Happy TT everyone!
oh yes yes my puppy dog definately makes me happy, when i'm down i cuddle her to my chest and just soke up her vibes :)
what great ideas!!!!! :)
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