January 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...another look back

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Cheerio said...

That is just so awesome. That's very rare now.
Mine is up too.

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, I want that! What a cool contraption. I guess in a way the shape of these has evolved as the shape of the fridge has evolved.

Now I'm thirsty....

eastcoastlife said...

So cool! What an awesome find! Where can I find this?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Awesome retro shot! I want one!

Two Peas In a Pod said...

Oh, My aunt has one of those it still works they use it in the summer to keep their pop cold. Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Cool! :)

Did you see my slide show of the kiddos with their glass bottled coca-colas and salted peanuts? Did you ever do that as a kid?

There used to be a barber shop in town that had one. But, I think they finally quit using it.

Ingrid said...

No thank you I don't drink coke, lol !

RW said...

Classic we use to have a beer dispensing machine like that...Oh wait I dreamed that.

Anonymous said...

Do you think a Diet Coke would go in there? Nice, Lori.
BTW, I peeked below a little. Hang in there!
Happy WW! Glad you liked mine.

Anonymous said...

I definitely remember those Coke machines. (But they sure don't make 'em like they used to!)

jams o donnell said...

I take it that it's quite and old vendign machine. I bet it's beter than the modern vending maching that swallowed a couple of pounds when I so wanted something to drink last year! Happy WW

poor man's nicole richie said...

priceless! very vintage.

jennwa said...

Great pic. Happy WW!!!

ellen b. said...

What a fabulous old piece of memorablilia! love it!

TeaMouse said...

The good ol' days, back when the pop came in glass bottles!

TeaMouse said...

The good ol' days, back when the pop came in glass bottles!

Tips_tricks said...

That's cool! I haven't seen anything like that before.

Cynthia said...

I'm sorry did that say 10 cents? Oh man for Coke to 10 cents now!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

it is nice to llok back at times nostalgia is all in the past for me LOL supposed to be a joke:>

Deb said...

Oh wow, very cool! Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lori that's a classic. Thanks for dropping by. Happy WW.

Liz said...

Cool shot! I want one too, lol. Happy WW.

Pennies In My Pocket said...

I want one! How fun!


Mayogi said...

Great picture! Makes mewant aCokeright now.*lol*

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

brilliant choice for today's wordless!

happy ww!