13 Valentines day ideas for under $20 dollars
1. Watch a bargain matinee movie. Follow it with a romantic walk. Bring a picnic basket with food made from home.
2. Visit a local botanical garden. Follow it with a visit to your local farmer's market. While you're there, grab a bouquet of flowers.
3. Pack a lunch for you and your date and head off of to the beach or the lake for the day. Bring a ball or Frisbee to play with.
4. Enjoy a free outdoor concert (if you're living in temperate climates). Pack a bottle of wine or champagne and some cheese and bread for a romantic evening outdoors.
5. Spend the day window shopping at your favorite shopping center. End the date with a trip to an ice cream parlor to share a hot fudge sundae.
6. Scour your local paper or event guides for 2-for-1 dinner coupons to your favorite restaurants. Complete the evening with a moonlit stroll in the park.
7. Find a local street fair or city fair and make plans to attend.
8. Visit an art museum, and then complete the date with conversation over coffee.
9. Go on a wine-tasting tour at local wineries.
10. Buy a disposable camera and take photos of each other in different places. When the film is developed, create a scrapbook or pick two favorites and frame them.
11. Find out what shows, expos or conventions are in town and arrange to see one that you and your date would enjoy.
12. Find 2-for-1 coupons for a local theater or arts event. Afterwards, visit a free art museum or expo.
13. Go to a large bookstore and spend time browsing the books and magazines. If you check ahead of time, you may be able to catch a local author's reading or live music event.
2. Visit a local botanical garden. Follow it with a visit to your local farmer's market. While you're there, grab a bouquet of flowers.
3. Pack a lunch for you and your date and head off of to the beach or the lake for the day. Bring a ball or Frisbee to play with.
4. Enjoy a free outdoor concert (if you're living in temperate climates). Pack a bottle of wine or champagne and some cheese and bread for a romantic evening outdoors.
5. Spend the day window shopping at your favorite shopping center. End the date with a trip to an ice cream parlor to share a hot fudge sundae.
6. Scour your local paper or event guides for 2-for-1 dinner coupons to your favorite restaurants. Complete the evening with a moonlit stroll in the park.
7. Find a local street fair or city fair and make plans to attend.
8. Visit an art museum, and then complete the date with conversation over coffee.
9. Go on a wine-tasting tour at local wineries.
10. Buy a disposable camera and take photos of each other in different places. When the film is developed, create a scrapbook or pick two favorites and frame them.
11. Find out what shows, expos or conventions are in town and arrange to see one that you and your date would enjoy.
12. Find 2-for-1 coupons for a local theater or arts event. Afterwards, visit a free art museum or expo.
13. Go to a large bookstore and spend time browsing the books and magazines. If you check ahead of time, you may be able to catch a local author's reading or live music event.
These are great ideas, Lori. My husband and I love to do No. 13 and treat ourselves to whatever the bookstore cafe has on offer. God bless!
That's a great creative list. Boy it's been quite a while since I've had a hot fudge sundae!!1
I love number 13. I could get lost in there with all those books. Great way to study another person too!
You really have great ideas! I had to laugh because it's been dumping snow here - we'd freeze at a picnic!! But the art museum is open until 10 p.m. on Fridays. Great ways to keep love going!
Happy TT!
Wow, another awesome list Lori. I'm all over the winery tour - now if only I had a winery tour nearby.
*le sigh*
If I had a date, I'd pick one of those things on your list.
I'm going to be in the middle of a road trip with my family on Valentine's day. Happy TT.
Great list! I like the movie idea. That's usually fun.
If I tried #10 I think I'd be told to stop!
Lots of great ideas there. I think I'll try some of them - we've been in a "let's go out to dinner" rut lately.
Great ideas, thanks for sharing!
All great ideas. I'll have to come back and pick something out next week.
Number one will likely be our choice--minus the picnic lunch.
It's one of our favorite ways to spend our days off together. :)
Happy TT
Great list idea that goes to show you can have a wonderful day on very little money :) Happy TT!
Yikes! it is coming up isn't it? I'll have to try one of these. Great list.
All of these are marvelous ideas, but my favorites are #8 and 13.
Hugs and blessings,
I'll try to remember to pick up a paper next Friday or Saturday to check for date ideas for me and my girlfriend that weekend. Thanks for the tips.
I was already to recommend the zoo because I had a very nice Valentine's Date there once, but then I got to 13 and saw you beat me to it! I think this is a wonderful list because it's hard to enjoy romance if you're thinking "We can't afford this" the whole time. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
I always think just spending time together is the best way to celebrate Valentine's Day. These are great ideas!
#10 is my favorite! Now all I need is a Valentine! Happy TT!
Those are great ideas. Now, I just need a man! Haha!
I am spending V-Day with my son this year.
Those ARE awesome ideas. Sadly, though, for the two of us to go to the Botanical Garden in town here would cost more than $20 once you factored in parking.
Hey, you came up with a gr8 TT - wow. I want to do all of them. Now. Niiiice *jumping for joy* Happy TT!
I think I'll pass this one along to my son. I'm still looking for a daughter-in-law. It's too cold here for some of these, but maybe July 4?
Great ideas, love #10 especially! Had to come visit the other Lori.
#13 is a great date night for us!
Great ideas! I'm sure I'll be home with my hubby and toddler- probably not doing any of these things. Oh well.
Wonderful ideas for a great valentine's day.
Great ideas---a great reminder that fun doesn't have to be expensive.
thanks for visiting mine.
T13 #12 | Pictures from the (Virtual) Earth: Thirteen Landscapes
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