13 First Date Tips
1. Make sure you have enough money…have some cash and pay with your card.
2. Be confident, not desperate.
3. Don’t be late and don’t be early, just be ON TIME.
4. Don’t compare your date to someone else.
5. Bring her flowers. Nope, that’s not too old fashioned. Women love flowers.
6. Ask open-ended questions to keep the conversations going. For example: “what do you think of…..?” “How do you………?”
7. Be prepared but be spontaneous.
8. Wear clean clothes. If your date is after work, take a change of clothes.
9. Don’t overdue it on the perfume or cologne. Its meant to enhance the smell, not cover it up.
10. Keep the conversation light and try not to talk about past break ups unless you’re asked and then keep it short.
11. Compliment your date. Find something you like about them and let them know.
12. Don’t talk constantly about yourself. That gets old really quick. Answer questions when asked but don’t let them think you are self-absorbed.
13. Be polite. Don’t forget your manners and men, hold the door open for your woman or pull out her chair. That’s classy.
2. Be confident, not desperate.
3. Don’t be late and don’t be early, just be ON TIME.
4. Don’t compare your date to someone else.
5. Bring her flowers. Nope, that’s not too old fashioned. Women love flowers.
6. Ask open-ended questions to keep the conversations going. For example: “what do you think of…..?” “How do you………?”
7. Be prepared but be spontaneous.
8. Wear clean clothes. If your date is after work, take a change of clothes.
9. Don’t overdue it on the perfume or cologne. Its meant to enhance the smell, not cover it up.
10. Keep the conversation light and try not to talk about past break ups unless you’re asked and then keep it short.
11. Compliment your date. Find something you like about them and let them know.
12. Don’t talk constantly about yourself. That gets old really quick. Answer questions when asked but don’t let them think you are self-absorbed.
13. Be polite. Don’t forget your manners and men, hold the door open for your woman or pull out her chair. That’s classy.
Great list - I like the one that suggests you wear clean clothes. Experience with that one? *LOL* Happy TT - mine's not up yet. Later. Gr8 day 2 ya.
Oh, I'm so glad I don't have to go through this. And if I'm ever single again, I think I'll stay that way.
Lori, did you see my bit about perfume this week? I posted it Sunday, if you missed it. Talk about covering up...
Arg. I think dating is so hard - but meeting a new friend is easy. That's what I always think! ;)
My TT is Food for thought.
Chivalry, come one down! I love this post, Lori.
Be yourself..great advice/list!
that is a great list, sometimes it really is best to keep it simple and straightforward!
Great advice!
Great tips and very true especially #1.
Now you tell me!
and don't be nervous
Dating is rough at any age. #10 is so important! When I first meet a guy, I don't want to get the feeling that he's having a flashback to the woman who broke his heart. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
Great list. So many people don't follow these common good manners anymore.
Happy TT!
Lori - those were great, it's surprising how many people don't actually know how to listen to others talk. The clean clothes one is key!
Great list but I am SO glad that it doesn't apply to me. I think that if I were in the situation of being able to daye again, I would just say NO. Just too hard these days. Jen
great list. isn't it too bad that we need lists like this to remind us about things like common courtesy and the like? happy t13!
Great Advice I hope I never need. UGH I do still remember those first dates.Really good list this week!
Interesting dating tips … I wonder how many men are paying attention?
Hugs and blessings,
Oh, great list. I think I'll print this out and give it to my son, who's just getting started.
Many of those tips are also good for friendship and going out with people in general. Have a wonderful week Lori!
That is a great list. Hopefully, I will b e able to experience a "first date" again, although, I am a little nervous about it whenever it happens.
You know, I would have assumed these were things you didn't have to tell people, but then again, I haven't been on a "first" date since 1864 so I realize I could be wrong. *wink*
Thanks for helping the masses. :)
Happy TT
Great tips. I do think that needing to tell someone to wear vclean clothes is funny! If they need to be told....
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
Great advice!
hey... liked that list...flowers... i just love flowers...anywazz..im married now and my guy got me a buch of roses for my B'day..i loved them....
oh..another thing.... from ur foro out there,u look like u r in ur early 30s..
chikku :)
Great TT.
It's been a long time since I thought about a first date.
Good Lord...what is a date!?!
I don't like when people talk about their exes...good or bad. Deal with those issues before you start dating again! Great list.
Yeah, and don't forget to use deodorant, brush your teeth and for goodness sake, it's all right to hold doors and open car doors for her.
hi...yesterday i left a commnet on ur blog from a blog i don use by mistake...this is my real blog
chikku :)
I think that's why I'm still single, the dating bit just freaks me out :D
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Excellent tips... esp. 3, 4, 10 and 12.
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