13 "Come On" lines that most women have heard at least once in their lifetime.
1. Baby, your legs must be tired cause you have been running through my mind all night.
2. I may not be Fred Flinstone, baby, but I can still make your bed rock.
3. Havent we met somewhere before?
4. I’m not like all the other guys.
5. Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?
6. Baby, you remind me of a parking ticket because you have "fine" written all over your face.
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
8. OK, I’m here, what’s your next wish?
9. You’re so sweet, you give me a toothache.
10. My friend wants to know if you think I’m cute.
11. Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
12. Hi, I’m Mr. Right--I heard you were looking for me.
13. If I had a nickel for every time I saw a woman as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents.
Happy TT!
My TT is about family christmas traditions!
This is some cheesy, but very funny stuff! How about this one, "I'd marry your dog just to get in the family."
Happy TT.
No. 9 is adorable! Have a great day.
Bwahahahahah, yep this sounds about right. Bwahahahahah. I'm not like all the other guys. Yeah, right. Have a great TT. :)
I can honestly say I have never used any of those.
I found that "Hello, I am extremely wealthy." worked with most women!
I do not think I have every heard of any of those. Haha! Maybe, someday.... :)
Any line that has the word "baby" in it is destined to be a bad one
LOL! Yup, I've heard most of those. They really do need to find some originality.
Happy TT!
I am proud to say that I have never used any of those lines. Although the Fred Flintstone one is a bit clever. I found that "What's your name?" usu. works.
Although I am taking a break from the Thursday Thirteen this week, feel free to stop by and comment on my latest post and/or vote in my current poll.
I have to say, no one ever used pick-up lines on me. I guess I'm just not the type. *sigh*
I like some of those, though. They're begging to be made fun of, rock star style... *wink*
happy TT, babe!
Ha Ha Ha!!! Heard few of these, they weren't a hit!!! ;)
Happy TT girl!!!
Any guy still saying #1 deserves to be tarred and feathered. And #2 had me wondering just how drunk a guy has to be to say some of this stuff (LOL). Nice list. Hopefully some of the fellas are taking notes on what NOT to say (smile).
I feel sorry for guys who don't have enough personality to actually start up a real conversation. Happy TT!
Love them, never used them mind you, but I love them...
Have a great TT and a very Merry Chriistmas!
Now, I have not heard all of these. The legs, running -- that one is a first.
I've never had any of those used on me. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
It hurts my head just thinking about these. *headshake*
The one with the legs -- that's a riot!
Okay #12, a guy had a shirt that said that. He kept pointing at it that I should read it.
Ya real winner if you're too lazy to use the actual line.
Ugh, I've heard those way too many times! Happy T13!
~ Leslie
I've heard them, but not spoken to me. I cannot imagine being on the receiving end of that must ego and stupidity!
*LMAO* I need to wake up a little bit and these lines made me laugh!
How about these?
1. Are you a terrorist? Because you're the bomb!
2. Girl, you're like dandruff because I just can't get you out of my head...
Happy TT!
- http://toni.marikit.net
Number 7 is my favorite! :-)
Happy TT!
My Thursday Thirteen #5
Ok Happy Dance! I haven't heard most of these! Whoo Hoo for me!
Maybe it's the flesh searing stare?
Happy TT!
My TT: 13 ways my life sucks is up!
WOW it is laughable that people still use these lines. Gawd I miss college! Although sometimes they can be clever *winks* Anyway have a happy holiday
I think 10 is cute How fun,have a safe Merry Christmas
yessiree...I've heard a couple of these. Sends me running for the exits every time! Man, I just got the shivers!!
happy TT! Great list!
Funny! I have to admit I haven't heard many of them. Enjoyed your post.
How could you forget?
" Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
These were so much fun to read and laugh about memories! Thanks for this great TT!
You forgot the one about bedroom eyes.
The Pink Flamingo
Those are soooo cheesy! Hahaha!
My TT is up too if you want to check it out. :)
Some of them are very true like "I’m not like all the other guys". (I would say, "even worse" ! lol !)
I have never had a single on of these said to me! ::Sniff:: Maybe I can train my husband to say some of them?
"May I freshen your drink?" always worked for me.
13 Extraordinary Winter scenes
He, he, good collection and a great laugh!
Happy TT!
Hahaha, these are so cheesy! :o) I was never one to fall for lines, thank God.
If that's what's out there I think I did a very good thing taking myself out of the race early LOL.
LOL! Do these actually work? Does anyone think they do?
Hehe! I hate to admit but I like 10 and 12. They cute and funny and I have a weakness for cute and funny! Great List! Happy TT!
I have never heard the Fred Flintsone one...bed rock. That's good! hehehe...
Happy tt!
Sick list, one of the best ideas for a TT I have ever seen!
Haha, those are great!!
Ha ha - BAD lines and I've heard a few. (yes, guys have really, really used them)
Must say - I saw the Wordless Wednesday Photo with the traffic sign - LOVED it - ha ha!
Happy TT-13, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!
Good Lord, men don't actually use these do they? Great list!
Number 8 made me laugh! I did actually have a guy ask if it hurt much when I fell from heaven. I just about sprayed my drink over him while trying to keep from laughing!
Lives Less Ordinary
I've only had a couple of those used on me!
I love #2 - I've never heard that before. Gosh they get pretty creative...lol!
Have a great weekend!
the problem is...some of these are still being used...
The first time I heard #10, I fell for it. Gotta go. Must hang my head in shame. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
So funny. May I add, "You recycle? You're my kind of woman".
Thanks for stopping by and happy TT!
Oh my gosh-these are HILARIOUS! I love the last one!! Happy TT
I have heard a few of them but I think if someone said # 2 I would seriously end up laughing in someones face Happy TT & Happy Holidays
These were great! But #6 made me groan....LOL
I just read this to my sons, we got a kick out of them.
The fine one is lame but funny.
That's great!!!
I love the Santa one :-)
Has any guy besides Will Smith really ever used #1? lol
I loved this. Thanks for making me laugh!
Merry Christmas.
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