July 5, 2008

Empty nest syndrome?

We started cleaning out my oldest son’s room. He has been gone for over 2 years, and up until now, I just left the door shut. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t want to deal with the mess or if I didn’t want to put closure to my son moving out. Having his door shut made it easier in more ways than one. I must say, I’ve had a lot of mixed emotions. I wouldn’t say empty nest because I still have one bird left at home. Going thru his stuff and putting things in boxes to keep and boxes for a garage sale made me a little misty though. I was in there last night by myself and it’s hard to believe a lifetime of memories can fit into very few boxes. As I flipped thru the old year books, drawings, football awards, and Navy certificate, it gave me some satisfaction knowing that my son had a pretty good childhood and he has turned into a wonderful Man. I didn’t do too badly as a single mother. I see this as the closing of one door and opening of another. I’m almost done raising my kids. It seems like its here and gone in the blink of an eye. I have no regrets. As we begin renovations on my house, I am sure I will have to part with a lot of things that will close doors to different parts of my life. People change, circumstances change, and life goes on. I’m excited about my future and the renovations about to take place. However, I will never lose track of my past and all of my wonderful memories. Now, on to faze 2 in my life. Yep, it’s all going to be about me for a change. The great thing is, Im 41 and still young enough to enjoy it. I cant wait!

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The Gal Herself said...

How cool for you! It's great that you're able to see this as a new beginning. I'm also glad that you can look over your son's life up until now feel satisfied with all the love, wisdom and effort you have put into making him a man you respect. Congratulations!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Congrats on a job well done, Mom! Yours is grown and mine is just about to start kindergarten. *sigh*

Lori said...

Thank you so much for the love. I do look at is as a new beginning:) And Crazy Working Mom....dont worry, the time flies in an instant. Enjoy your kids!! You are definitely going to have your hands full very soon!! Hugs to you both....