December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Wordless Wednesday

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Unknown said...

Wow, really makes ya think. :(

Merry Christmas.

Liz said...

Great shot. Merry Christmas Lori.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and happy WW. Thanks for dropping by.

Katya said...

Thank you, thank you for this very timely photo. Lest we forget those in harm's way!

Merry Christmas!

SandyCarlson said...

Merry Christmas, and may we all know peace in the new year! God bless.

Sandee said...

Excellent. We are free because of all the men and women who served in the military. Excellent post. Bless each and everyone of our military personnel. Have a great WW and Christmas. :)

poor man's nicole richie said...

our modern time heroes. hats off to them!

Pretty Life Online said...

nice shot! mine is on... please check it out!

Ingrid said...

I wonder if this poor soldier really had a happy feast.

jennwa said...

Thanks for reminding me!!! Great photo!!! Merry Christmas to all our brave soldiers and their families!!
Thank God for them!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is great.

BNS said...

Great holiday reminder, Lori.

Happy New Year.


eastcoastlife said...

May we have peace in the world.
Happy Holidays!