13 things newly single Dad’s should know
1. Babies are a lot tougher than you think, so be gentle.
2. Toddlers will not listen to you, pick your battles.
3. Take pride in how your children look. Clean, well fitting, color coordinated clothing is key. Keep it simple. (Gently used is okay…honest)
4. When feeding children 0 to 6 years of age, keep it simple, real simple.
5. Little children have accidents, get over it, learn to clean it up and wait on the next oops…it will happen.
6. Teach your children that cleanliness is next to….well, you know….BATHE from head to toe.
7. Never leave small children alone in the bathtub.
8. Never leave the house without sending everyone to the bathroom first.
9. Always have a first aid kit. Keep one in the house, in the car and at your place of employment.
10. Take photos of special events and everyday activities.
11. Tell your daughters the truth about how boys really think.
12. Learn to let go of your children and let them fail. It really does build character.
13. Teenagers are all knowing and all doing, always go behind them, under them, around them, and through them. Check everything they say and do.
2. Toddlers will not listen to you, pick your battles.
3. Take pride in how your children look. Clean, well fitting, color coordinated clothing is key. Keep it simple. (Gently used is okay…honest)
4. When feeding children 0 to 6 years of age, keep it simple, real simple.
5. Little children have accidents, get over it, learn to clean it up and wait on the next oops…it will happen.
6. Teach your children that cleanliness is next to….well, you know….BATHE from head to toe.
7. Never leave small children alone in the bathtub.
8. Never leave the house without sending everyone to the bathroom first.
9. Always have a first aid kit. Keep one in the house, in the car and at your place of employment.
10. Take photos of special events and everyday activities.
11. Tell your daughters the truth about how boys really think.
12. Learn to let go of your children and let them fail. It really does build character.
13. Teenagers are all knowing and all doing, always go behind them, under them, around them, and through them. Check everything they say and do.
A really excellent list Lori, especially #8 LOL. For all parents.
All MEN!! I liked number 8 myself. -- the teen one is scary!! Susiej
This is a really great list Lori! I'm not ready for teenagers...
I'm so with the majority on #8. Especially with my boys, a 2 year old and a 4 year old.
happy TT!
Excellent advice especially the bathroom break before leaving the house. Hopefully it works most of the time. Have a great TT. :)
I don't have children, but I still think your list is good advice for visiting kids and moms/dads.
Thanks for visiting my best wishes TT!
#8 is KEY. Even if everyone whines, "But I don't hafta go." As a maiden aunt, I wish someone had shared all this wisdom with me years ago!
That's some great advice for both dads and moms! :)
I am doing well.
I think #12 is so important - and how many people forget it today!
The Pink Flamingo
And remember that children will reach a stage where they know everything, are convinced that you know nothing, and think that they are invulnerable and immortal. You can't do anything about it but wait for it to pass!
Your lists are all so true. Thanks for the share.
Good list for sure! Happy TT to you...
ALL men should read this!!! ;)
Nothing but the truth here, especially 11, 12 & 13. You're a wise woman. Most Lori's are, you know (smile).
These are some pretty good tips. I am sure that there are some single moms who might find this list helpful as well.
Great advice for dads. Moms too for that matter.(Happy Birthday to your son)Have a great TT
Great advice. #12 is one of the hardest things to do!
Happy TT!
No. 11 hit home with me. It took me years to understand this. My naivite got me into a lot of trouble.
Writing in Faith
I agree all parents should be reading this. It scares me to see the parents that are out there with their children. There aren't that many "rules' that need to be followed and you got most of them.
Again I say, you are so WISE Lori! I'm scared of teenagers already. :)
Now that is damn good advice for every parent!!
Great list. The first aid kit is a MUST! Especially with the real little ones. They get into everything.
Happy TT!
of My Thursday Thirteen: 13 of the sexiest and/or most romantic love scene clips on film
Love your TT.
My dad was a single dad. I turned out okay so he must have been doing it right. -grin-
(my tt is at http://yummydown.com)
I love this whole list! What great advice for ANY parent!
Great advice! :)
My T13 post is up, come check it out if you get a chance. :)
#11 reminds me of the Mel Gibson movie: What Women Want. Nice list. Happy TT
This is a great list even though I don't have kids its was still great info Happy TT & Happy Holidays
I know a mom or two (new ones) who could use this list! Very sound advice.
(I still cannot get OVER those photos in your sidebars...the goodlooking sons AND the nature photos!)
No politics this week; it's a frivolous one. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel
nice list. i think this also applies to married fathers out there. =)
hmmm... I have to agree with everyone on number 8... really important, I heard :P
so sweet and so true very good good advice
Brilliant list Lori - I agree for mums & dads.
I have a 34 year old friend who is still single (just recently started dating), I will have to share your list with him! LOL
I am finally done and got my TT up too.
Good advice, especially #12. Sometimes I think that's harder for dads to learn than moms.
Great list! Good for new parents too.
Ha ha - GOOD list!
Especially the one about telling little girls how boys REALLY think!
Happy TT-13!
Very good and useful list. These are great tips. Number three is more important than some people may think, because how other people view and treat your children is based, sadly, on how nice they look. And, as you mention in number 6, how clean they are.
Also, Amen! to number 8. Been there!
I am never disappointed here...you have great insight!
I wonder how many mothers should also read and remember.
Happy Thursday!
Great list, even those of us who aren't parents can appreciate it.
I can still remember some of the outfits my hubby used to dress our babies in if left to his own devices! I would consciously buy clothes that would coordinate with everything else, but he still managed to come up with some, shall we say, unusual combos! Great list!
Lives Less Ordinary
Bravo! And YES to the bathroom opne especially. ;)
Color coordinated? Really?
Does that mean I should still be dressing them (something neither have let me do for years), or should I just continue to smile at their odd clothing combinations and remind myself it's how they develop their own sense of self?
And too darn true about the bathroom.
A terrific list--words of wisdom.
Great list for men! I know several people who need to read this one.
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