August 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

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Rhonda Gales said...

I hope nobody misses that sign!

Mojo said...

The deadest of ends, I'd say!
That would have been perfect for last week's Thematic Photographic (Signs).

It's a pretty cool shot regardless!


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

They might as well put


on that sign!

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful post, Lori. God bless.

Indrani said...

I am glad you are back SAFE! :)

sweetytots said...

dead end.... mine is up too!

Jan Parrish said...

LOL. Happy WW!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I want to be in the front...not the end of that, which looks like a jungle :P

Angela Wenke said...

Great sign! LOL Boy not like you need to see that road sign huh lol
Happy WW

heartcaptures said...

interesting entry for this week! :)

etteY said...

i hope everyone gets to see that sign. :)

jams o donnell said...

Haha great shot... but why does the film deliverance spring to mind??

SHIELA said...

Beware!!! :)

Happy Wednesday!

Hootin Anni said...

Too funny....great photo tho. I like it.

My W W is posted.

Susan Demeter said...

Now that is a sign for the obvious lol! Great find, and Happy WW :)

Thanks so much for stopping by my blogs earlier and have a great rest of the week!

Dad of Divas said...

Wow! With the way you caught this picture it does seem kind of ominous! Wouldn't want to miss that one! Thanks for coming by my WW and hope to see you around the divadom again soon!

ellen b. said...

Ha! Hopefully there isn't a cliff at the end.

Randall said...

If you miss the sign, you might just find something interesting at the end of that road that you'd have never seen. On the other hand, it might just be a garbage heap down there.

Jim said...

Lori, I believe that sign! It's been some time since anyone traveled that road. My BIL would say it is abandoned property and take it for his.
I hope your WW was happy, thank you for coming to see mine.
Hindsight tells me to first put the single bike, then the lady at the bar, then the one of ALL those bike having alighted.
If you have a minute you can see the rest of the story here:
BTW, I hope you get that other job real quick. [please note that I read down]
I wasn't looking for Mrs. Jim either when I found her and she found me. We now have been married 35 years. :-)

eastcoastlife said...

Gosh! That is definitely a dead end!

Cynthia said...

Well they don't make that very clear, do they?!?

Crazy Working Mom said...

I'm there...actually hanging on, barely!

CrAzY Working Mom